Phants Client for Redis™*
Public Member Functions | |
CommandClient (string hostname, int port, int recvBufferLen, int sendBufferLen) | |
void | Auth (SimpleStringSink sink, string password) |
void | Echo (BulkStringSink sink, string message) |
void | Ping (BulkStringSink sink, string message) |
void | Ping (SimpleStringSink sink) |
void | Quit (SimpleStringSink sink) |
void | Select (SimpleStringSink sink, int index) |
void | SwapDb (SimpleStringSink sink, int indexOne, int indexTwo) |
void | GeoAdd (IntegerSink sink, string key, params GeoCoord[] geoCoords) |
void | GeoAdd (IntegerSink sink, string key, string longitude, string latitude, string member) |
void | GeoDist (BulkStringSink sink, string key, string member1, string member2, GeoUnit unit) |
void | GeoDist (BulkStringSink sink, string key, string member1, string member2) |
void | GeoHash (ArraySink sink, string key, params string[] members) |
void | GeoPos (ArraySink sink, string key, params string[] members) |
void | GeoRadius (ArraySink sink, string key, string longitude, string latitude, string radius, GeoUnit unit, GeoFlags flags, GeoRadiusOptions options=null) |
void | GeoRadius (IntegerSink sink, string key, string longitude, string latitude, string radius, GeoUnit unit, string storeKey, string storeDistKey, GeoRadiusOptions options=null) |
void | GeoRadiusByMember (ArraySink sink, string key, string member, string radius, GeoUnit unit, GeoFlags flags, GeoRadiusOptions options=null) |
void | GeoRadiusByMember (IntegerSink sink, string key, string member, string radius, GeoUnit unit, string storeKey, string storeDistKey, GeoRadiusOptions options=null) |
void | Hdel (IntegerSink sink, string key, params string[] fields) |
void | Hexists (IntegerSink sink, string key, string field) |
void | Hget (BulkStringSink sink, string key, string field) |
void | HgetAll (ArraySink sink, string key) |
void | HincrBy (IntegerSink sink, string key, string field, long increment) |
void | HincrByFloat (BulkStringSink sink, string key, string field, float increment) |
void | Hkeys (ArraySink sink, string key) |
void | Hlen (IntegerSink sink, string key) |
void | HmGet (ArraySink sink, string key, params string[] fields) |
void | HmSet (SimpleStringSink sink, string key, params FieldValuePair[] pairs) |
void | Hscan (ArraySink sink, string key, ulong cursor, ScanOptions options) |
void | Hscan (ArraySink sink, string key, ulong cursor) |
void | Hset (IntegerSink sink, string key, string field, string value) |
void | HsetNx (IntegerSink sink, string key, string field, string value) |
void | HstrLen (IntegerSink sink, string key, string field) |
void | Hvals (ArraySink sink, string key) |
void | Pfadd (IntegerSink sink, string key, params string[] elements) |
void | Pfcount (IntegerSink sink, params string[] keys) |
void | Pfmerge (SimpleStringSink sink, string destkey, params string[] sourcekey) |
void | Del (IntegerSink sink, params string[] keys) |
void | Dump (BulkStringSink sink, string key) |
void | Exists (IntegerSink sink, params string[] keys) |
void | Expire (IntegerSink sink, string key, int seconds) |
void | ExpireAt (IntegerSink sink, string key, int timestamp) |
void | Keys (ArraySink sink, string pattern) |
void | Migrate (SimpleStringSink sink, string host, int port, string key, int destDb, int timeout) |
void | Migrate (SimpleStringSink sink, string host, int port, int destDb, int timeout, bool copy, bool replace, params string[] keys) |
void | Move (IntegerSink sink, string key, int db) |
void | Persist (IntegerSink sink, string key) |
void | Pexpire (IntegerSink sink, string key, int milliseconds) |
void | PexpireAt (IntegerSink sink, string key, int timestamp) |
void | Pttl (IntegerSink sink, string key) |
void | RandomKey (BulkStringSink sink) |
void | Rename (SimpleStringSink sink, string key, string newkey) |
void | RenameNx (IntegerSink sink, string key, string newkey) |
void | Restore (SimpleStringSink sink, string key, int ttl, string serializedValue, RestoreOptions options) |
void | Scan (ArraySink sink, ulong cursor, ScanOptions options) |
void | Sort (ArraySink sink, string key, SortOptions options) |
void | Sort (IntegerSink sink, string key, SortOptions options, string storeKey) |
void | Touch (IntegerSink sink, params string[] keys) |
void | Ttl (IntegerSink sink, string key) |
void | Type (SimpleStringSink sink, string key) |
void | Unlink (IntegerSink sink, params string[] keys) |
void | Wait (IntegerSink sink, int numReplicas, int timeout) |
void | Blpop (ArraySink sink, int timeout, params string[] keys) |
void | Brpop (ArraySink sink, int timeout, params string[] keys) |
void | BrpopLpush (BulkStringSink sink, string source, string destination, int timeout) |
void | Lindex (BulkStringSink sink, string key, int index) |
void | Linsert (IntegerSink sink, string key, PivotType pivotType, string pivot, string value) |
void | Llen (IntegerSink sink, string key) |
void | Lpop (BulkStringSink sink, string key) |
void | Lpush (IntegerSink sink, string key, params string[] values) |
void | Lpushx (IntegerSink sink, string key, string value) |
void | Lrange (ArraySink sink, string key, int start, int stop) |
void | Lrem (IntegerSink sink, string key, int count, string value) |
void | Lset (SimpleStringSink sink, string key, int index, string value) |
void | Ltrim (SimpleStringSink sink, string key, int start, int stop) |
void | Rpop (BulkStringSink sink, string key) |
void | RpopLpush (BulkStringSink sink, string source, string destination) |
void | Rpush (IntegerSink sink, string key, params string[] values) |
void | Rpushx (IntegerSink sink, string key, string value) |
void | Publish (IntegerSink sink, string channel, string message) |
void | PubsubChannels (ArraySink sink, string pattern) |
void | PubsubChannels (ArraySink sink) |
void | PubsubNumSub (ArraySink sink, params string[] channels) |
void | PubsubNumPat (IntegerSink sink) |
void | Eval (ArraySink sink, string script, string[] keys, params string[] argv) |
void | EvalSha (ArraySink sink, string sha1, string[] keys, params string[] argv) |
void | ScriptDebug (SimpleStringSink sink, DebugState debugState) |
void | ScriptExists (ArraySink sink, params string[] digests) |
void | ScriptFlush (SimpleStringSink sink) |
void | ScriptKill (SimpleStringSink sink) |
void | ScriptLoad (BulkStringSink sink, string script) |
void | Bgrewriteaof (SimpleStringSink sink) |
void | Bgsave (SimpleStringSink sink) |
void | ClientGetname (BulkStringSink sink) |
void | ClientId (IntegerSink sink) |
void | ClientKill (SimpleStringSink sink, string ip, int port) |
void | ClientKill (IntegerSink sink, params ClientKillFilter[] filters) |
void | ClientList (BulkStringSink sink) |
void | ClientList (BulkStringSink sink, ClientListClassType type) |
void | ClientPause (SimpleStringSink sink, int timeout) |
void | ClientSetName (SimpleStringSink sink, string name) |
void | ClientUnblock (IntegerSink sink, long clientId, ClientUnblockOption option) |
void | ClientUnblock (IntegerSink sink, long clientId) |
void | Command (ArraySink sink) |
void | CommandCount (IntegerSink sink) |
void | CommandGetkeys (ArraySink sink, params string[] args) |
void | CommandInfo (ArraySink sink, params string[] commandNames) |
void | ConfigGet (ArraySink sink, string parameter) |
void | ConfigResetStat (SimpleStringSink sink) |
void | ConfigRewrite (SimpleStringSink sink) |
void | ConfigSet (SimpleStringSink sink, string parameter, string value) |
void | DbSize (IntegerSink sink) |
void | FlushAll (SimpleStringSink sink, bool async) |
void | FlushDb (SimpleStringSink sink, bool async) |
void | Info (BulkStringSink sink, string section=null) |
void | LastSave (IntegerSink sink) |
void | MemoryDoctor (BulkStringSink sink) |
void | MemoryHelp (ArraySink sink) |
void | MemoryMallocStats (BulkStringSink sink) |
void | MemoryPurge (SimpleStringSink sink) |
void | MemoryStats (ArraySink sink) |
void | MemoryUsage (IntegerSink sink, string key, int count) |
void | MemoryUsage (IntegerSink sink, string key) |
void | ReplicaOf (SimpleStringSink sink, string host, string port) |
void | Role (ArraySink sink) |
void | Save (SimpleStringSink sink) |
void | Shutdown (SimpleStringSink sink) |
void | Shutdown (SimpleStringSink sink, ShutdownOption option) |
void | SlaveOf (SimpleStringSink sink, string host, string port) |
void | SlowLogGet (ArraySink sink, int count) |
void | SlowLogGet (ArraySink sink) |
void | SlowLogLen (IntegerSink sink) |
void | SlowLogReset (SimpleStringSink sink) |
void | Time (ArraySink sink) |
void | Sadd (IntegerSink sink, string key, params string[] members) |
void | Scard (IntegerSink sink, string key) |
void | Sdiff (ArraySink sink, params string[] keys) |
void | SdiffStore (IntegerSink sink, string destination, params string[] keys) |
void | Sinter (ArraySink sink, params string[] keys) |
void | SinterStore (IntegerSink sink, string destination, params string[] keys) |
void | SisMember (IntegerSink sink, string key, string member) |
void | Smembers (ArraySink sink, string key) |
void | Smove (IntegerSink sink, string source, string destination, string member) |
void | Spop (BulkStringSink sink, string key) |
void | Spop (BulkStringSink sink, string key, int count) |
void | SrandMember (BulkStringSink sink, string key) |
void | SrandMember (BulkStringSink sink, string key, int count) |
void | Srem (IntegerSink sink, string key, params string[] members) |
void | Sscan (ArraySink sink, string key, ulong cursor, ScanOptions options) |
void | Sunion (ArraySink sink, params string[] keys) |
void | SunionStore (IntegerSink sink, string destination, params string[] keys) |
void | BzpopMax (ArraySink sink, int timeout, params string[] keys) |
void | BzpopMin (ArraySink sink, int timeout, params string[] keys) |
void | Zadd (IntegerSink sink, string key, ZaddOptions options, params ZaddScoreMemberPair[] pairs) |
void | ZaddWithIncr (BulkStringSink sink, string key, ZaddOptions options, ZaddScoreMemberPair pair) |
void | Zcard (IntegerSink sink, string key) |
void | Zcount (IntegerSink sink, string key, string min, string max) |
void | ZincrBy (BulkStringSink sink, string key, double increment, string member) |
void | ZinterStore (IntegerSink sink, string destination, ZstoreOptions options, params string[] keys) |
void | ZlexCount (IntegerSink sink, string key, string min, string max) |
void | ZpopMax (ArraySink sink, string key, int count=1) |
void | ZpopMin (ArraySink sink, string key, int count=1) |
void | Zrange (ArraySink sink, string key, int start, int stop, bool withScores=false) |
void | ZrangeByLex (ArraySink sink, string key, string min, string max, Limit limit=null) |
void | ZrangeByScore (ArraySink sink, string key, string min, string max, ZrangeByScoreOptions options) |
void | Zrank (ArraySink sink, string key, string member) |
void | Zrem (IntegerSink sink, string key, params string[] members) |
void | ZremRangeByLex (IntegerSink sink, string key, string min, string max) |
void | ZremRangeByRank (IntegerSink sink, string key, int start, int stop) |
void | ZremRangeByScore (IntegerSink sink, string key, string min, string max) |
void | ZrevRange (ArraySink sink, string key, int start, int stop, bool withScores) |
void | ZrevRangeByLex (ArraySink sink, string key, string min, string max, Limit limit=null) |
void | ZrevRangeByScore (ArraySink sink, string key, string min, string max, ZrangeByScoreOptions options) |
void | ZrevRank (ArraySink sink, string key, string member) |
void | Zscan (ArraySink sink, string key, ulong cursor, ScanOptions options) |
void | Zscore (BulkStringSink sink, string key, string member) |
void | ZunionStore (IntegerSink sink, string destination, ZstoreOptions options, params string[] keys) |
void | Xack (IntegerSink sink, string key, string group, params string[] ids) |
void | Xadd (BulkStringSink sink, string key, string id, params FieldValuePair[] pairs) |
void | Xclaim (ArraySink sink, string key, string group, string consumer, int minIdleTime, XclaimOptions options, params string[] ids) |
void | Xdel (IntegerSink sink, string key, params string[] ids) |
void | XgroupCreate (SimpleStringSink sink, string key, string groupname, XgroupCreateOptions options) |
void | XgroupSetid (SimpleStringSink sink, string key, string groupname, string id=null) |
void | XgroupDestroy (IntegerSink sink, string key, string groupname) |
void | XgroupDelConsumer (IntegerSink sink, string key, string groupname, string consumername) |
void | XgroupHelp (ArraySink sink) |
void | XinfoConsumers (ArraySink sink, string key, string groupname) |
void | XinfoGroups (ArraySink sink, string key) |
void | XinfoStream (ArraySink sink, string key) |
void | XinfoHelp (ArraySink sink) |
void | Xlen (IntegerSink sink, string key) |
void | Xpending (ArraySink sink, string key, string group, XpendingOptions options=null) |
void | Xrange (ArraySink sink, string key, string start, string end, int count) |
void | Xrange (ArraySink sink, string key, string start, string end) |
void | Xread (ArraySink sink, XReadOptions options, params XReadKeyIdPair[] pairs) |
void | XreadGroup (ArraySink sink, string group, string consumer, XReadGroupOptions options, params XReadKeyIdPair[] pairs) |
void | XrevRange (ArraySink sink, string key, string start, string end, int count) |
void | XrevRange (ArraySink sink, string key, string start, string end) |
void | Xtrim (IntegerSink sink, string key, int count, bool approximateCount=false) |
void | Append (IntegerSink sink, string key, string value) |
void | BitCount (IntegerSink sink, string key, int start, int end) |
void | BitCount (IntegerSink sink, string key) |
void | BitField (ArraySink sink, string key, params BitfieldSubcommand[] subcommands) |
void | BitOp (IntegerSink sink, BitwiseOperation operation, string destkey, params string[] keys) |
void | BitPos (IntegerSink sink, string key, int bit, int start, int end=-1) |
void | BitPos (IntegerSink sink, string key, int bit) |
void | Decr (IntegerSink sink, string key) |
void | DecrBy (IntegerSink sink, string key, long decrement) |
void | Get (BulkStringSink sink, string key) |
void | GetBit (IntegerSink sink, string key, int offset) |
void | GetRange (BulkStringSink sink, string key, int start, int end) |
void | GetSet (BulkStringSink sink, string key, string value) |
void | Incr (IntegerSink sink, string key) |
void | IncrBy (IntegerSink sink, string key, long increment) |
void | IncrByFloat (BulkStringSink sink, string key, string increment) |
void | Mget (ArraySink sink, params string[] keys) |
void | Mset (SimpleStringSink sink, params KeyValuePair[] pairs) |
void | MsetNx (IntegerSink sink, params KeyValuePair[] pairs) |
void | PsetEx (SimpleStringSink sink, string key, long milliseconds, string value) |
void | Set (SimpleStringSink sink, string key, string value, SetOptions options) |
void | Set (SimpleStringSink sink, string key, string value) |
void | SetBit (IntegerSink sink, string key, int offset, string value) |
void | SetEx (SimpleStringSink sink, string key, long seconds, string value) |
void | SetNx (IntegerSink sink, string key, string value) |
void | SetRange (IntegerSink sink, string key, int offset, string value) |
void | StrLen (IntegerSink sink, string key) |
void | Discard (SimpleStringSink sink) |
void | Exec (ArraySink sink) |
void | Multi (SimpleStringSink sink) |
void | Unwatch (SimpleStringSink sink) |
void | Watch (SimpleStringSink sink, params string[] keys) |
![]() | |
delegate void | ConnectionCallback (RedisClientBase client, string error) |
delegate void | ConnectedEventHandler (RedisClientBase client) |
delegate void | DisconnectedEventHandler (RedisClientBase client) |
RedisClientBase (string hostname, int port) | |
void | Connect (ConnectionCallback connectCallback=null) |
void | Disconnect (ConnectionCallback disconnectCallback=null) |
bool | Connected () |
Static Public Member Functions | |
static string | QuoteWrap (string s) |
Protected Member Functions | |
override void | OnConnect (IAsyncResult connectResult) |
![]() | |
virtual void | OnDisconnect (IAsyncResult disconnectResult) |
Additional Inherited Members | |
![]() | |
string | hostname |
int | port |
Socket | socket |
![]() | |
ConnectedEventHandler | connected |
DisconnectedEventHandler | disconnected |
Redis has two modes of operation: a "command" mode, and a "pub/sub" mode. CommandClient implements the former, meaning users issue Redis commands and receive responses via callbacks. The methods of this class directly correspond to the Redis commands defined here.
inline |
CommandClient constructor.
hostname | The hostname or IP to connect to. |
port | The port to connect to. Redis servers listen on 6379 by default. |
recvBufferLen | CommandClient allocates a receive buffer internally; this parameter allows users to tailor the buffer size to fit their needs. |
sendBufferLen | CommandClient allocates a send buffer internally; this parameter allows users to tailor the buffer size to fit their needs. |
inline |
Implements the APPEND command. If key already exists and is a string, this command appends the value at the end of the string. If key does not exist it is created and set as an empty string, so APPEND will be similar to SET in this special case.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | The key to which 'value' is appended. |
value | The value appended to the string at 'key' |
inline |
Implements the AUTH command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
password | Authorization password. |
inline |
Implements the BGREWRITEAOF command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
inline |
Implements the BGSAVE command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
inline |
Implements the BITCOUNT command. Count the number of set bits (population counting) in a string.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | Key name identifying the string whose bits are counted. |
start | Starting byte index. |
end | Ending byte index. |
inline |
Implements the BITCOUNT command. Count the number of set bits (population counting) in a string.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | Key name of the string whose bits are counted. |
inline |
Implements the BITFIELD command. The command treats a Redis string as a array of bits, and is capable of addressing specific integer fields of varying bit widths and arbitrary non (necessary) aligned offset.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | Key name of the bitfield that is operated upon. |
subcommands | One or more operations to perform on the bitfield. |
inline |
Implements the BITOP command. Perform a bitwise operation between multiple keys (containing string values) and store the result in the destination key.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
operation | The operation (AND/OR/XOR/NOT) to perform on the key(s) |
destkey | Key name where the result is stored. |
keys | The input key(s). |
inline |
Implements the BITPOS command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | The name of the key that is scanned. |
bit | Specifies the bit value to look for. |
start | The byte offset to start scanning from. |
end | The byte offset (inclusive) where scanning stops. |
inline |
Implements the BITPOS command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | The name of the key that is scanned. |
bit | Specifies the bit value to look for. |
inline |
Implements the BLPOP command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
timeout | Specifies the maximum amount of time to block, in seconds. A value of 0 causes the operation to block indefinitely. |
keys | Key name of one or more lists to pop from. |
inline |
Implements the BRPOP command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
timeout | Specifies the maximum amount of time to block, in seconds. A value of 0 causes the operation to block indefinitely. |
keys | Key name of one or more lists to pop from. |
inline |
Implements the BRPOPLPUSH command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
source | Key name of the list from which an element is popped. |
destination | Key name of the list to which an element is pushed. |
timeout | Specifies the maximum amount of time to block, in seconds. A value of 0 causes the operation to block indefinitely. |
inline |
Implements the BZPOPMAX command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
timeout | Specifies the maximum amount of time to block, in seconds. A value of 0 causes the operation to block indefinitely. |
keys | Key name(s) of the sorted sets from which the highest scored member is returned. |
inline |
Implements the BZPOPMIN command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
timeout | Specifies the maximum amount of time to block, in seconds. A value of 0 causes the operation to block indefinitely. |
keys | Key name(s) of the sorted sets from which the lowest scored member is returned. |
inline |
Implements the CLIENT GETNAME command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
inline |
Implements the CLIENT ID command. Even Redis authors don't seem to know what RESP type is returned here. From Redis example:
redis> CLIENT ID ERR Unknown or disabled command 'CLIENT' redis>
It looks like a RESP Integer might be what we need based on the output of "CLIENT LIST".
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
inline |
Implements the CLIENT KILL command.
Only supported by Redis 2.8.11 and earlier.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
ip | The IP address of the client whose connection is closed. |
port | The port bound to the client connection that is closed. |
inline |
Implements the CLIENT KILL command. [ID client-id] [TYPE normal|master|slave|pubsub] [ADDR ip:port] [SKIPME yes/no]
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
filters | The filter(s) used to select clients to disconnect. |
inline |
Implements the CLIENT LIST command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
inline |
Implements the CLIENT LIST command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
type | A filter specifying the type of clients to list. |
inline |
Implements the CLIENT PAUSE command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
timeout | The amount of time to suspend client connections, in milliseconds. |
inline |
Implements the CLIENT SETNAME command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
name | The name to assigns to the current connection. |
inline |
Implements the CLIENT UNBLOCK command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
clientId | The ID of the client to unblock. |
option | Option specifying how the client is unblocked (i.e. via timeout or error). |
inline |
Implements the CLIENT UNBLOCK command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
clientId | The ID of the client to unblock. |
inline |
Implements the COMMAND command. Note: Array reply is nested.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
inline |
Implements the COMMAND COUNT command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
inline |
Implements the COMMAND GETKEYS command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
args | Components of a Redis command (a command and its arguments) used to determine key positions for the given command. |
inline |
Implements the COMMAND INFO command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
commandNames | The list of command names whose info is returned. |
inline |
Implements the CONFIG GET command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
parameter | A pattern matching desired config parameters. |
inline |
Implements the CONFIG RESETSTAT command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
inline |
Implements the CONFIG REWRITE command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
inline |
Implements the CONFIG SET command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
parameter | The config parameter to set. |
value | The new value of the config parameter. |
inline |
Implements the DBSIZE command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
inline |
Implements the DECR command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | The name of the key that is decremented. |
inline |
Implements the DECRBY command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | The name of the key that is decremented. |
decrement | The amount to decrement. |
inline |
Implements the DEL command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
keys | The key(s) to remove. |
inline |
Implements the DISCARD command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
inline |
Implements the DUMP command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | Key name of the value to serialized. |
inline |
Implements the ECHO command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
message | The message to return. |
inline |
Implements the EVAL command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
script | The script that is evaluated. This script string is automatically wrapped in quotes as it is likely to contain spaces. |
keys | Key names passed as arguments to the script. |
argv | Additional non-key arguments passed to the script. |
inline |
Implements the EVALSHA command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
sha1 | The SHA1 digest of a script that has been cached via ScriptLoad(). |
keys | Key names passed as arguments to the script. |
argv | Additional non-key arguments passed to the script. |
inline |
Implements the EXEC command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
inline |
Implements the EXISTS command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
keys | Key name(s) to check. |
inline |
Implements the EXPIRE command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | Key name to expire. |
seconds | Timeout value, in seconds. |
inline |
Implements the EXPIREAT command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | Key name to expire. |
timestamp | An absolute timeout value, given as a Unix timestamp, in seconds. |
inline |
Implements the FLUSHALL command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
async | Flag indicating if the operation should be performed in the background without blocking the server. |
inline |
Implements the FLUSHDB command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
async | Flag indicating if the operation should be performed in the background without blocking the server. |
inline |
Implements the GEOADD command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | Key name of the set where the given geospatial items are stored. |
geoCoords | The geospatial items to add. |
inline |
Implements the GEOADD command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | Key name of the set where the given geospatial item is stored. |
longitude | Longitude of the geospatial item to add. |
latitude | Latitude of the geospatial item to add. |
member | Member of the geospatial item to add. |
inline |
Implements the GEODIST command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | Key name of the set containing member1 and member2. |
member1 | The first geospatial item to compare. |
member2 | The second geospatial item to compare. |
unit | Specifies the unit of distance between member1 and member2. |
inline |
Implements the GEODIST command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | Key name of the set containing member1 and member2. |
member1 | The first geospatial item to compare. |
member2 | The second geospatial item to compare. |
inline |
Implements the GEOHASH command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | Key name of the set containing the given members. |
members | The geospatial items whose hashes are returned. |
inline |
Implements the GEOPOS command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | Key name of the set containing the given members. |
members | The geospatial items whose positions are returned. |
inline |
Implements the GEORADIUS command.
This version of GeoRadius() supports the WITH* flags (WITHCOORD, WITHDIST, WITHHASH). Note: using any WITH* flag(s) will cause the return value to be a nested RESP Array; the given ArraySink must be implemented to handle it accordingly.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | Key name of the set from which the items are returned. |
longitude | Longitude of the center location. |
latitude | Latitude of the center location. |
radius | Radius from the center location. |
unit | Specifies the unit of distance for radius. |
flags | A combination of WITHCOORD, WITHDIST, and WITHHASH flags, ORed together. |
options | Optional parameters for specifying the number of elements to return, and the sort order. |
inline |
Implements the GEORADIUS command.
This version of GeoRadius() supports the STORE* options (STORE, STOREDIST). Note: nothing prevents the simultaneous use of STORE and STOREDIST, but only one of them will have an affect in this case (STOREDIST overrides STORE). This is an artifact of how the command is implemented on the server.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | Key name of the set from which the items are returned. |
longitude | Longitude of the center location. |
latitude | Latitude of the center location. |
radius | Radius from the center location. |
unit | Specifies the unit of distance for radius. |
storeKey | Key name of the Sorted Set where the results of the STORE operation will be saved. The STORE option will be omitted if this is null. |
storeDistKey | Key name of the Sorted Set where the results of the STOREDIST operation will be saved. The STOREDIST option will be omitted if this is null. |
options | Optional parameters for specifying the number of elements to return, and the sort order. |
inline |
Implements the GEORADIUSBYMEMBER command.
This version of GeoRadiusByMember() supports the WITH* flags (WITHCOORD, WITHDIST, WITHHASH). Note: using any WITH* flag(s) will cause the return value to be a nested RESP Array; the given ArraySink must be implemented to handle it accordingly.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | Key name of the set from which the items are returned. |
member | The member whose location is used as the center for the query. |
radius | Radius from the center location. |
unit | Specifies the unit of distance for radius. |
flags | A combination of WITHCOORD, WITHDIST, and WITHHASH flags, ORed together. |
options | Optional parameters for specifying the number of elements to return, and the sort order. |
inline |
Implements the GEORADIUSBYMEMBER command.
This version of GeoRadiusByMember() supports the STORE* options (STORE, STOREDIST). Note: nothing prevents the simultaneous use of STORE and STOREDIST, but only one of them will have an affect in this case (STOREDIST overrides STORE). This is an artifact of how the command is implemented on the server.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | Key name of the set from which the items are returned. |
member | The member whose location is used as the center for the query. |
radius | Radius from the center location. |
unit | Specifies the unit of distance for radius. |
storeKey | Key name of the Sorted Set where the results of the STORE operation will be saved. The STORE option will be omitted if this is null. |
storeDistKey | Key name of the Sorted Set where the results of the STOREDIST operation will be saved. The STOREDIST option will be omitted if this is null. |
options | Optional parameters for specifying the number of elements to return, and the sort order. |
inline |
Implements the GET command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | The name of the key that is retrieved. |
inline |
Implements the GETBIT command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | The name of the key from which the bit is retrieved. |
offset | The bit offset to retrieve. |
inline |
Implements the GETRANGE command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | The name of the key from which the byte range is read. |
start | The start offset. |
end | The end offset. |
inline |
Implements the GETSET command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | The name of the key whose value is retrieved and set. |
value | The new value that key will be set to. |
inline |
Implements the HDEL command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | Key name of the hash. |
fields | Fields to delete. |
inline |
Implements the HEXISTS command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | Key name of the hash. |
field | Field name to check. |
inline |
Implements the HGET command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | Key name of the hash. |
field | Name of the field to return. |
inline |
Implements the HGETALL command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | Key name of the hash. |
inline |
Implements the HINCRBY command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | Key name of the hash. |
field | Name of the field to increment. |
increment | The integer value added to field. |
inline |
Implements the HINCRBYFLOAT command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | Key name of the hash. |
field | Name of the field to increment. |
increment | The float value added to field. |
inline |
Implements the HKEYS command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | Key name of the hash. |
inline |
HLEN key.
<summary Implements the HLEN command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | Key name of the hash. |
inline |
Implements the HMGET command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | Key name of the hash. |
fields | The fields to return. |
inline |
Implements the HMSET command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | Key name of the hash. |
pairs | The field/value pairs to set. |
inline |
inline |
inline |
Implements the HSET command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | Key name of the hash. |
field | The field name to set. |
value | The value to set for field. |
inline |
Implements the HSETNX command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | Key name of the hash. |
field | The field name to set. |
value | The value to set if field does not already exist. |
inline |
Implements the HSTRLEN command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | Key name of the hash. |
field | Name of the field whose length is returned. |
inline |
Implements the HVALS command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | Key name of the hash. |
inline |
Implements the INCR command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | The name of the key that is incremented. |
inline |
Implements the INCRBY command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | The name of the key that is incremented. |
increment | The amount to increment. |
inline |
Implements the INCRBYFLOAT command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | The name of the key that is incremented. |
increment | The amount to increment. This is a string because Redis supports alternative ways to specify the float value (e.g. "2.0e2") |
inline |
Implements the INFO command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
section | Specifies the section about which information is returned. |
inline |
Implements the KEYS command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
pattern | The pattern used to match key names. |
inline |
Implements the LASTSAVE command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
inline |
Implements the LINDEX command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | Key name of the list from which a value is returned. |
index | Zero-based index of the item to return. |
inline |
Implements the LINSERT command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | Key name of the list into which value is inserted. |
pivotType | Indicates whether to insert value BEFORE, or AFTER pivot. |
pivot | The reference value used to figure out the insertion position. |
value | The value to insert. |
inline |
Implements the LLEN command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | Key name of the list whose length is returned. |
inline |
Implements the LPOP command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | Key name of the list from which a value is popped. |
inline |
Implements the LPUSH command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | Key name of the list to which values are pushed. |
values | The value(s) to push. |
inline |
Implements the LPUSHX command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | Key name of the list to which value is pushed if it does not already exist. |
value | The value to push. |
inline |
Implements the LRANGE command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | Key name of the list from which values are returned. |
start | Zero-based index of the first element in the range to return. |
stop | Zero-based index of the last element in the range to return. |
inline |
Implements the LREM command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | Key name of the list from which elements are removed. |
count | Indicates not only the number of elements to remove, but where to remove them from (e.g. the head of the list, or the tail). When count is 0, all elements matching value are removed, irrespective of their position. |
value | The value to remove. |
inline |
Implements the LSET command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | Key name of the list in which value is set. |
index | Zero-based index of the item to set. |
value | The value to set. |
inline |
Implements the LTRIM command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | Key name of the list that is trimmed. |
start | Zero-based index of the first element in the range to preserve. |
stop | Zero-based index of the last element in the range to preserve. |
inline |
Implements the MEMORY DOCTOR command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
inline |
Implements the MEMORY HELP command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
inline |
Implements the MEMORY MALLOC-STATS command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
inline |
Implements the MEMORY PURGE command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
inline |
Implements the MEMORY STATS command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
inline |
Implements the MEMORY USAGE command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | Key name whose memory usage is reported. |
count | The number of nested values to sample. A value of 0 results in all nested values being sampled. |
inline |
Implements the MEMORY USAGE command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | Key name whose memory usage is reported. |
inline |
Implements the MGET command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
keys | The list of key names whose values are returned. |
inline |
Implements the MIGRATE command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
host | Hostname of the destination Redis server. |
port | Port number of the destination Redis server. |
key | The key to migrate. |
destDb | Index of the logical database on the destination server. |
timeout | Maximum idle time for the communication, in milliseconds. |
inline |
Implements the MIGRATE command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
host | Hostname of the destination Redis server. |
port | Port number of the destination Redis server. |
destDb | Index of the logical database on the destination server. |
timeout | Maximum idle time for the communication, in milliseconds. |
copy | Flag indicating whether or not to remove the key from the local instance. |
replace | Flag indicating whether or not to replace the key on the remote instance. |
keys | The key(s) to migrate. |
inline |
Implements the MOVE command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | The key to move. |
db | Index of the destination database. |
inline |
Implements the MSET command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
pairs | The list of key/value pairs to set. |
inline |
Implements the MSETNX command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
pairs | The list of key/value pairs to set. |
inline |
Implements the MULTI command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
inlineprotectedvirtual |
Callback used in calls to Socket.BeginConnect().
Reimplemented from RedisClientBase.
inline |
Implements the PERSIST command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | Key name to persist. |
inline |
Implements the PEXPIRE command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | Key name to expire. |
milliseconds | Timeout value, in milliseconds. |
inline |
Implements the PEXPIREAT command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | Key name to expire. |
timestamp | An absolute timeout value, given as a Unix timestamp, in milliseconds. |
inline |
Implements the PFADD command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | Key name of the affected HyperLogLog data structure. |
elements | The element(s) to add. |
inline |
Implements the PFCOUNT command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
keys | Key names to use in cardinality calculation. |
inline |
Implements the PFMERGE command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
destkey | Key name of the destination HyperLogLog data structure. |
sourcekey | Key name(s) of the sources that are merged into destkey. |
inline |
Implements the PING command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
message | The message to return. |
inline |
Implements the PING command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
inline |
Implements the PSETEX command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | The name of the key that is set. |
milliseconds | The timeout value in milliseconds. |
value | The value that key is set to. |
inline |
Implements the PTTL command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | The key whose TTL (in milliseconds) is returned. |
inline |
Implements the PUBLISH command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
channel | The name of the channel that message is published to. |
message | The message to publish. |
inline |
Implements the PUBSUB CHANNELS command.
pattern | The pattern used to match channel names. |
inline |
Implements the PUBSUB CHANNELS command.
inline |
Implements the PUBSUB NUMPAT command.
inline |
Implements the PUBSUB NUMSUB command.
channels | Specifies the channels to include in the count. |
inline |
Implements the QUIT command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
inlinestatic |
Utility method to wrap quotes around string values that contain spaces.
s | The string value to wrap. |
inline |
Implements the RANDOMKEY command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
inline |
Implements the RENAME command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | Old key name. |
newkey | New key name. |
inline |
Implements the RENAMENX command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | Old key name. |
newkey | New key name. |
inline |
Implements the REPLICAOF command.
A special value of "NO" for host, and "ONE" for port will turn off replication
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
host | The hostname of a Redis server to replicate. |
port | The Redis port on host (specified as a string to accommodate the "REPLICAOF NO ONE" command format). |
inline |
Implements the RESTORE command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | Key name for the restored value. |
ttl | TTL for the new key, in milliseconds. No expiration is set if this value is 0. |
serializedValue | The serialized value, as produced by Dump(). |
options | Additional options for the RESTORE command (e.g. REPLACE, ABSTTL, IDLETIME, and FREQ). |
inline |
Implements the ROLE command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
inline |
Implements the RPOP command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | Key name of the list from which a value is popped. |
inline |
Implements the RPOPLPUSH command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
source | Key name of the list from which an element is popped. |
destination | Key name of the list to which an element is pushed. |
inline |
Implements the RPUSH command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | Key name of the list to which values are pushed. |
values | The value(s) to push. |
inline |
Implements the RPUSHX command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | Key name of the list to which value is pushed if it does not already exist. |
value | The value to push. |
inline |
Implements the SADD command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | Key name of the set to which members are added. |
members | The elements to add. |
inline |
Implements the SAVE command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
inline |
inline |
Implements the SCARD command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | Key name of the set whose cardinality is returned. |
inline |
Implements the SCRIPT DEBUG command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
debugState | The debug mode to set (i.e. YES, SYNC, NO) |
inline |
Implements the SCRIPT EXISTS command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
digests | The SHA1 digests whose script cache presences are returned. |
inline |
Implements the SCRIPT FLUSH command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
inline |
Implements the SCRIPT KILL command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
inline |
Implements the SCRIPT LOAD command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
script | The script that is loaded into the script cache. This script string is automatically wrapped in quotes as it is likely to contain spaces. |
inline |
Implements the SDIFF command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
keys | Key names of the sets whose differences are returned. |
inline |
Implements the SDIFFSTORE command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
destination | Key name of the set used to store the result. |
keys | Key names of the sets whose differences are stored in destination. |
inline |
Implements the SELECT command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
index | The zero-based index of the Redis logical database to select. |
inline |
Implements the SET command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | The name of the key that is set. |
value | The value that key is set to. |
options | Additional options for the SET command allowing the caller to specify expiration values and extant key behavior. |
inline |
Implements the SET command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | The name of the key that is set. |
value | The value that key is set to. |
inline |
Implements the SETBIT command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | The name of the key containing the bit to set. |
offset | The offset of the bit to set. |
value | The value the bit will be set to. |
inline |
Implements the SETEX command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | The name of the key that is set. |
seconds | The timeout value in seconds. |
value | The value that key is set to. |
inline |
Implements the SETNX command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | The name of the key to set. |
value | The value that key is set to if key doesn't already exist. |
inline |
Implements the SETRANGE command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | The name of the key that is written to. |
offset | The byte offset at which value is written. |
value | The value that is written into key. |
inline |
Implements the SHUTDOWN command. From the docs:
"On success nothing is returned since the server quits and the connection is closed."
Similar to CLIENT REPLY, nothing is returned, but in this case the socket should be closed and we won't be stuck waiting indefinitely for a response.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
inline |
Implements the SHUTDOWN command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
option | Specifies DB saving behavior on shutdown. |
inline |
Implements the SINTER command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
keys | Key names of the sets that are intersected with each other. |
inline |
Implements the SINTERSTORE command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
destination | Key name of the set used to store the result. |
keys | Key names of the sets that are intersected with each other. |
inline |
Implements the SISMEMBER command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | Key name of the set that is inspected. |
member | The name of the element whose presence is returned. |
inline |
Implements the SLAVEOF command.
A special value of "NO" for host, and "ONE" for port will turn off replication
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
host | The hostname of a Redis server to replicate. |
port | The Redis port on host (specified as a string to accommodate the "SLAVEOF NO ONE" command format). |
inline |
Implements the SLOWLOG command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
count | The number of entries to return. |
inline |
Implements the SLOWLOG command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
inline |
Implements the SLOWLOG command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
inline |
Implements the SLOWLOG command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
inline |
Implements the SMEMBERS command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | Key name of the set whose elements are returned. |
inline |
Implements the SMOVE command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
source | Key name of the set from which member is moved. |
destination | Key name of the set to which member is moved. |
member | The name of the element to move. |
inline |
Implements the SORT command. Array reply: without passing the store option the command returns a list of sorted elements.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | Key name of the list, set or sorted set to sort. |
options | Additional options for the SORT command (e.g. BY pattern, LIMIT, GET patterns, sort order, and ALPHA) |
inline |
Implements the SORT command. Integer reply: when the store option is specified the command returns the number of sorted elements in the destination list.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | Key name of the list, set or sorted set to sort. |
options | Additional options for the SORT command (e.g. BY pattern, LIMIT, GET patterns, sort order, and ALPHA) |
storeKey | Key name used to store the resulting list. |
inline |
Implements the SPOP command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | Key name of the set from which random elements are popped. |
inline |
Implements the SPOP command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | Key name of the set from which random elements are popped. |
count | The numer of elements to return. |
inline |
Implements the SRANDMEMBER command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | Key name of the set from which random elements are returned. |
inline |
Implements the SRANDMEMBER command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | Key name of the set from which random elements are returned. |
count | The numer of elements to return. |
inline |
Implements the SREM command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | Key name of the set from which elements are removed. |
members | The names of the elements to remove. |
inline |
inline |
Implements the STRLEN command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | The name of the key whose length is returned. |
inline |
Implements the SUNION command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
keys | Key names of the sets that are combined with each other. |
inline |
Implements the SUNIONSTORE command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
destination | Key name of the set used to store the result. |
keys | Key names of the sets that are combined with each other. |
inline |
Implements the SWAPDB command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
indexOne | The index of the Redis databases that is swapped with indexTwo. |
indexTwo | The index of the Redis databases that is swapped with indexOne. |
inline |
Implements the TIME command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
inline |
Implements the TOUCH command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
keys | Key name(s) to touch. |
inline |
Implements the TTL command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | The key whose TTL (in seconds) is returned. |
inline |
Implements the TYPE command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | The key name whose type is returned. |
inline |
Implements the UNLINK command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
keys | The key name(s) to unlink. |
inline |
Implements the UNWATCH command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
inline |
Implements the WAIT command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
numReplicas | The number of replicas to wait for. |
timeout | The timeout for the operation, in milliseconds. |
inline |
Implements the WATCH command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
keys | The key(s) to watch. |
inline |
Implements the XACK command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | Key name of the stream whose messages are acknowledged. |
group | The stream consumer group. |
ids | IDs of messages to acknowledge. |
inline |
Implements the XADD command.
Specify the stream entry ID as "*" to auto-generate a unique ID.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | Key name of the stream to which the stream entry is added. |
id | Stream entry ID. |
pairs | Field/value pairs that are added to the stream. |
inline |
Implements the XCLAIM command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | Key name of the stream containing group. |
group | The consumer group the originally owned the messages being claimed. |
consumer | The consumer group that is claiming the messages. |
minIdleTime | The minimum amount of time a message must be idle before it can be claimed. |
options | Additional options for the XCLAIM command (e.g. IDLE, TIME, RETRYCOUNT, FORCE, and JUSTID). |
ids | IDs of messages to claim. |
inline |
Implements the XDEL command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | Key name of the stream from which ids are deleted. |
ids | Stream entry IDs to delete. |
inline |
Implements the XGROUP command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | Key name of the stream in which the new group will be created. |
groupname | The name of the consumer group to create. |
options | Additional options for the XGROUP command (id, MKSTREAM). |
inline |
Implements the XGROUP command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | Key name of the stream containing the given group. |
groupname | The group from which the given consumer is removed. |
consumername | Name of the consumer to remove. |
inline |
Implements the XGROUP command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | Key name of the stream containing the given group. |
groupname | The name of the consumer group to remove. |
inline |
Implements the XGROUP command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
inline |
Implements the XGROUP command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | Key name of the stream containing the given group. |
groupname | The name of the consumer group whose "last delivered ID" is changed. |
id | The new value of the group's "last delivered ID". |
inline |
Implements the XINFO command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | Key name of the stream containing the given group. |
groupname | The name of the group whose consumers are returned. |
inline |
Implements the XINFO command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | Key name of the stream whose consumer groups are returned. |
inline |
Implements the XINFO command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
inline |
Implements the XINFO command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | Key name of the stream whose general info is returned. |
inline |
Implements the XLEN command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | Key name of the stream whose length is returned. |
inline |
Implements the XPENDING command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | Key name of the stream containing group. |
group | The name of the consumer group whose Pending Entry List is inspected. |
options | Additional options for the XPENDING command (e.g. start/end/count, consumer). |
inline |
Implements the XRANGE command.
The special IDs - and + can be used to specify the minimum and maximum possible IDs, respectively.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | Key name of the stream whose messages are returned. |
start | The start ID of the range to return. |
end | The end ID of the range to return. |
count | The maximum number of items to return. |
inline |
Implements the XRANGE command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | Key name of the stream whose messages are returned. |
start | The start ID of the range to return. |
end | The end ID of the range to return. |
inline |
Implements the XREAD command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
options | Additional options for the XREAD command (e.g. COUNT, BLOCK). |
pairs | Pairs of stream key names with associated message IDs to read. |
inline |
Implements the XREADGROUP command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
group | The name of the consumer group associated with the stream. |
consumer | The name of the consumer within group. |
options | Additional options for the XREADGROUP command (e.g. COUNT, BLOCK, NOACK). |
pairs | Pairs of stream key names with associated message IDs to read. |
inline |
Implements the XREVRANGE command.
The special IDs - and + can be used to specify the minimum and maximum possible IDs, respectively. Note: position of start/end is reversed when sent to the server.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | Key name of the stream whose messages are returned. |
start | The start ID of the range to return. |
end | The end ID of the range to return. |
count | The maximum number of items to return. |
inline |
Implements the XREVRANGE command.
The special IDs - and + can be used to specify the minimum and maximum possible IDs, respectively. Note: position of start/end is reversed when sent to the server.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | Key name of the stream whose messages are returned. |
start | The start ID of the range to return. |
end | The end ID of the range to return. |
inline |
Implements the XTRIM command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | Key name of the stream whose length is trimmed. |
count | The length the stream is trimmed to. |
approximateCount | Flag indicating that the new length need not be exact (i.e. the new length will be at or above count). |
inline |
Implements the ZADD command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | Key name of the sorted set that the score/member pairs are added to. |
options | Additional options for the ZADD command (e.g. already/not exists, return changed). |
pairs | The score/member pairs to add. |
inline |
Implements the ZADD command.
If the ZADD command specifies the INCR option (as this method does), the return value will be a Bulk string reply.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | Key name of the sorted set that the score/member pair is added to. |
options | Additional options for the ZADD command (e.g. already/not exists, return changed). |
pair | The score/member pair to add. |
inline |
Implements the ZCARD command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | Key name of the sorted set whose cardinality is returned. |
inline |
Implements the ZCOUNT command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | Key name of the sorted set whose elements are counted. |
min | The minimum score to include in the count. |
max | The maximum score to include in the count. |
inline |
Implements the ZINCRBY command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | Key name of the sorted set containing member. |
increment | The amount to increment the member's score. |
member | The member whose score is incremented. |
inline |
Implements the ZINTERSTORE command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
destination | Key name of the sorted set used to store the result. |
options | Additional options for the ZINTERSTORE command (e.g. WEIGHTS, AGGREGATE). |
keys | Key names of the sorted sets that are intersected with each other. |
inline |
Implements the ZLEXCOUNT command.
Valid values for min/max, also referred to as start/stop values, begin with ( or [ (specifying exclusivity or inclusivity), or the special values -/+ for negative/positive infinity.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | Key name of the sorted set whose lexcount is calculated for the given min/max. |
min | The "start" value of the interval. |
max | The "stop" value of the interval. |
inline |
Implements the ZPOPMAX command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | Key name of the sorted set whose elements are popped and returned. |
count | The number of items to pop from the set. |
inline |
Implements the ZPOPMIN command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | Key name of the sorted set whose elements are popped and returned. |
count | The number of items to pop from the set. |
inline |
Implements the ZRANGE command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | Key name of the sorted set whose elements are returned (ordered from lowest to highest score). |
start | The zero-based index of the first element in the range. |
stop | The zero-based index of the last element in the range. |
withScores | Flag indicating that element scores should be returned in addition to their values. |
Implements the ZRANGEBYLEX command.
Valid values for min/max, also referred to as start/stop values, begin with ( or [ (specifying exclusivity or inclusivity), or the special values -/+ for negative/positive infinity.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | Key name of the sorted set whose elements are returned. |
min | The "start" value of the interval. |
max | The "stop" value of the interval. |
limit | An optional offset/count that limits the number of items returned. |
inline |
Implements the ZRANGEBYSCORE command.
Values for min/max are inclusive by default, but can be made exclusive by prefixing the score with (. The lowest/highest scores can be generically specified with "-inf" and "+inf", respectively.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | Key name of the sorted set whose elements are returned. |
min | The minimum score in the range. |
max | The maximum score in the range. |
options | Additional options for the ZRANGEBYSCORE command (e.g. WITHSCORES, LIMIT) |
inline |
Implements the ZRANK command. From docs: If member exists in the sorted set, Integer reply: the rank of member. If member does not exist in the sorted set or key does not exist, Bulk string reply: nil
Because of this, we use an ArraySink as a catch-all. The caller should be aware that only BulkString and Integer related methods will be called (or Error of course).
Rank is zero-based, with a rank of 0 being the element with the lowest score.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | Key name of the sorted set containing member. |
member | The value of the element whose rank is returned. |
inline |
Implements the ZREM command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | Key name of the sorted set whose elements are removed. |
members | The value of each element to remove. |
inline |
Implements the ZREMRANGEBYLEX command.
Valid values for min/max, begin with ( or [ (specifying exclusivity or inclusivity), or the special values -/+ for negative/positive infinity.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | Key name of the sorted set whose elements are removed. |
min | The "start" value of the interval. |
max | The "stop" value of the interval. |
inline |
Implements the ZREMRANGEBYRANK command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | Key name of the sorted set whose elements are removed. |
start | Zero-based rank index of the first element in the range. |
stop | Zero-based rank index of the last element in the range. |
inline |
Implements the ZREMRANGEBYSCORE command.
Values for min/max are inclusive by default, but can be made exclusive by prefixing the score with (. The lowest/highest scores can be generically specified with "-inf" and "+inf", respectively.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | Key name of the sorted set whose elements are removed. |
min | The minimum score in the range. |
max | The maximum score in the range. |
inline |
Implements the ZREVRANGE command. Note: position of start/stop is USUALLY reversed (in all other REV commands), but not with this command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | Key name of the sorted set whose elements are returned (ordered from highest to lowest score). |
start | The zero-based index of the first element in the range. |
stop | The zero-based index of the last element in the range. |
withScores | Flag indicating that element scores should be returned in addition to their values. |
inline |
Implements the ZREVRANGEBYLEX command. Note: position of min/max is reversed when sent to the server.
Valid values for min/max, also referred to as start/stop values, begin with ( or [ (specifying exclusivity or inclusivity), or the special values -/+ for negative/positive infinity.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | Key name of the sorted set whose elements are returned (in reverse order). |
min | The "start" value of the interval. |
max | The "stop" value of the interval. |
limit | An optional offset/count that limits the number of items returned. |
inline |
Implements the ZREVRANGEBYSCORE command. Note: position of min/max is reversed when sent to the server.
Values for min/max are inclusive by default, but can be made exclusive by prefixing the score with (. The lowest/highest scores can be generically specified with "-inf" and "+inf", respectively.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | Key name of the sorted set whose elements are returned (in reverse order). |
min | The minimum score in the range. |
max | The maximum score in the range. |
options | Additional options for the ZRANGEBYSCORE command (e.g, WITHSCORES, LIMIT) |
inline |
Implements the ZREVRANK command. From docs: If member exists in the sorted set, Integer reply: the rank of member. If member does not exist in the sorted set or key does not exist, Bulk string reply: nil
Because of this, we use an ArraySink as a catch-all. The caller should be aware that only BulkString and Integer related methods will be called (or Error of course).
Rank is zero-based, with a rank of 0 being the element with the highest score.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | Key name of the sorted set containing member. |
member | The value of the element whose rank is returned. |
inline |
inline |
Implements the ZSCORE command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
key | Key name of the sorted set containing member. |
member | The member whose score is returned. |
inline |
Implements the ZUNIONSTORE command.
sink | The user-provided callback object. |
destination | Key name of the sorted set used to store the result. |
options | Additional options for the ZUNIONSTORE command (e.g. WEIGHTS, AGGREGATE). |
keys | Key names of the sorted sets that are combined with each other. |